Friday, December 7, 2012

TIPS OF THE WEEK a Google a day

Want a fun way to help students practice and enhance their web research skills while discovering answers to trivia questions? Then check out “A Google A Day!”

Basic Instructions:
  1. 2.Read the question at the bottom of the page.
  2. 3.Use the provided search window to try to find the answer.
    Note - The search window at automatically filters out published answers so you get a spoiler-free experience.
  3. 4.Click the “Show answer” link at the bottom of the page to see if you are right.

Extensions for Students:

  1. -Ask the students to guess what the answer will be before they do any searching.
  2. -Once they’ve discovered the answer, ask a higher-level extension question.
    Example: If the answer is George Washington, ask something like:
    - What is the most surprising fact you found about George Washington?
    - If you could meet George Washington, what one question would you ask him?
    - List three ways George Washington’s childhood home was different from yours.
    - If George Washington could visit your classroom today, what would surprise him the most?

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