Friday, December 7, 2012

Tip of the Week CopyPasteCharacter

Ever need a special character like ✄ or ✎, but you can’t remember the key combination to create it? Well, this week’s tip will provide a quick and easy solution to that problem...

  1. 2.Click the desired character.
    (This will automatically copy it to your computer’s clipboard.)
    Note - Do not right-click or control-click. Just a regular mouse-click will copy it!
  2. 3.Go to wherever you want to paste the character.
    This could be a Word document, a Google doc, an email message, a blog post, or even a Tweet or Plurk. You can paste the character anywhere!
  3. 4.Paste!
  4. 5.That’s it!

  1. Hold the Alt or Option key while clicking to copy multiple characters.
  2. Click the “As HTML” link at the upper right to copy the html code for the character.
