Monday, December 16, 2013

Don't forget about our Portaportals

English- guest access- cmsenglish
Math- guest access- culpepermiddleschoolmath
Social Studies- guest access- cmssocialstudies


Interactive multimedia content and lessons for a variety of textbooks on math, sciences and humanities.


Listening to Literature

Lit2Go is a free online collection of audio stories and poems in .mp3 format.  An abstract, citation, running time and word count are given for each story or poem, many containing a n identified related reading strategy.  A PDF version of the text is also available to download as a read-along.

Search by Author, Reading Level, Genre or Top

Friday, December 13, 2013

TIME for Kids Homework Helper

Grammar Wizard
Flash Card Maker
Writing tips
A+ Papers
Writers toolbox

Another word cloud: Tagul

Idea for word cloud.
At the beginning of the a unit or lesson create a word cloud using  all the key terms that the students will be learning in a unit.  See if they can guess what you will be learning about.  Great way to check prior knowledge.

Picture yourself in plastic (Reasonably Clever)

Make a lego of yourself.  Unfortunately, they do not have an easy way to save your artwork.  But you can use the snip it tool on your computer to save it.  Or you can use the Print Screen option.  Have fun!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Active Textbook (Turn PDFS into Books)

Turn your vision into reality by creating your own version of an existing PDF or textbook. Give it a dynamic touch, jot down notes, add video/audio clips, and discuss materials with your readers within your interactive content. Use Active Textbook to learn, teach or simply share your documents online – it's easy!
Best of all, Active Textbook is free and works on most devices!

Turn anything into a PDF
Of PDFS  to Word

Active Textbook is supported on both desktops and mobile devices!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Croak it is a simple-to-use online audio recording tool that can be used by even pre-school children. 

Digital Public Library of America

Browse the Digital Public Library of America

The Digital Public Library of America is a huge collection of digitized artifacts and exhibits from museums and libraries across the United States. Through the DPLA you can find documents, books, images, audio recordings, and video clips. The DPLA is a new resource and only some of the artifacts are arranged into exhibits at this point. You can look for artifacts by locationtime, or keyword search. Clicking on an artifact will open information about where it is housed and when it was created.

cited by


Videos, quizzes, lessons and games

Virtual Science Experiments

Virtual Experiments have been recorded at Reading in physics and in other areas of science. Some examples are listed below. In the first section experiments most suitable for schools are listed, following this are experiments more suited tohigher levels. The repertoire of VEs is constantly being increased.

Youtube free music

On YouTube You Can Now Find Free Music to Legally Download and Re-use

For the last couple of years Vimeo has offered free music to download and re-use in your video projects. Now YouTube is offering the same thing through the YouTube Audio Library. This library is slightly different than the free music available when you use the YouTube slideshow creation tool. The music in the YouTube Audio Library is music that you can download to use in projects online and offline. You can search the library of music according to genre, mood, instrument, or duration. You can listen to the tracks before downloading them as MP3 files.

Applications for Education
The next time your students are developing multimedia projects for your class, have them take a look through the YouTube Audio Library to see if they can find a tune to enhance the messages of their productions.

Science Videos

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cloze Quizzes

Cloze Quizzes

The New York Times Learning Network blog is experimenting with a new type of Test Yourself question written just for English language learners. In this series, which is published each Monday, teacher and blogger Larry Ferlazzo creates a quiz question for students, along with brief teaching suggestions for those who would like to take the topic further. The Learning Network still runs the Daily Test Yourself questions (which this year will also focus on history, math, English language arts and editing), but only the Monday E.L.L. Practice series will have teaching suggestions.

Click Here to Visit Website

From Big Deal Media

Downloadable list of Bloom's active verbs!!  

Check it out!

Want to ensure that your lesson plans include higher level cognitive skills and rigor?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


What it is: Inklewriter is a great digital tool that lets students (and teachers if you are so inclined) write and publish interactive stories. Inklewriter lets students create choose-your-own-adventure type stories, story lines can come with choices and then be linked back together. Inklewriter makes this process easier by keeping track of which story paths have been finished and which still need work. There is no set-up required, no programming language to learn and no diagrams. Inklewriter is free to use and easy to share with the world when it is published. When a story is finished, it can even be converted to Kindle format!
I found the Inklewriter format to be pretty intuitive and easy to use. I think intermediate elementary and older will have no trouble using this tool for creative and informative writing.
How to integrate Inklewriter into the classroom: Inklewriter is a great digital tool for creative writing. Students can explore multiple plot lines and what-if scenarios in their fictional writing. I also like the idea of using Inklewriter to ask kids to explore the “what-ifs” in history. What if we lost/won this war/battle? What if the other guy (or girl) had been elected president? What if the Berlin wall hadn’t come down? These types of stories are fantastic opportunities for students to explore their curiosities and, in the process, learn more about the event they are exploring. After all, you have to know something about how an event actually went in order to write alternate endings.
Inklewriter would be a fun way for students to come up with alternate endings to a novel they are reading. Our students wrote a variety of endings for The Giver. Each student wrote a different ending that picked up from the last chapter of the book. Inklewriter would have been a great tool to use for all of these endings to be available in one place. Students could copy/paste the last paragraph of the actual book and then offer their alternative endings as options.
In science, students could use Inklewriter as a tool to record their hypothesis. Students can write out the objective and steps in their experiment and make a new “alternate ending” for their various hypothesis.
In math, students could create story problems where they lead others down the path to discover the correct answer.
Tips: These interactive stories are MADE for your tablet devices…if you have some in your classroom, take advantage of them!

Friday, January 4, 2013

One of my favorite sites

I personally like the random name picker.  Type your students name.  Click the name and it selects a student at random.

Allows you to save it and gives you an URL to bookmark, so you can use it over and over.  I would create shortcuts to each class on my desktop.


I know I have mentioned this before, but I think its worth posting.

Allows you to create newletters quickly and easily and then share them with your parents via email or Twitter.  Yes Twitter is unblocked.

Of you can link them to your homework site.

 I believe “iFake Text” is a great example of  a simple tool that can allow your students to show what they know in a unique or novel way by emulating a text message conversation on an iPhone.

iFake Text

How to use it:
  1. 1.Go to :

  2. 2.Enter your name.
  3. 3.Choose a carrier.
  4. 4.Enter the conversation.
    Be sure to use the format as shown below:
    1: Hello
    2: Hello
    1: How are you?
    2: I’m fine. How are you?
  5. 5.Click the “Create Your Screenshot” button.

    Note - If you don’t like the way it looks, you can use the browser’s back button to go back and edit it.
  6. 6.Use the provided options at the left to share the screen shot with others.

  7. 7.To print:
    a. Copy the “Direct Link” url.
    b. Paste the url into a new tab or window.
    c. Print.
  8. 8.To embed the screenshot into a blog, wiki, or website, use the “HTML Image” option.

Ways to use it in a classroom:

Students could write dialog between:
  1. Two book characters from a scene in a story
  2. Two animals (including some facts about them)
  3. Two historic figures
  4. Two friends discussing a book, movie, or event.

Easy Online Test Maker  Unfortunatly it can not be printed.

Create Cool Animated Text
Image by Cool Text: Logo and Button Generator - Create Your Own Logo

Create your own!!  Download the image and insert it into Powerpoints or Activinspire or on your Google Sites Webpage.


Wallwisher, located at No login required.  Wallwisher gets the user creating a web-based bulletin board or wishing wall and posting notes, photos and videos in minutes. Then, by sharing the Wallwisher board URL or embedding the board on a blog or other web site, a teacher in can get students interacting in cyberspace on virtually any topic.
Benefits: Allows multiple users to interact on a topic with brief notes, pictures and videos -- all by simply clicking on the web-based wishing wall board. With the click of a mouse, a student can add a 160-character comment along with a link to an outside site. These post-its, as Wallwisher calls them, can also contain links to pictures and videos.

Symbaloo bookmarks of some really cool Stuff from VSTE 2012
