Thursday, May 19, 2011


 Fotobabble, create a talking photo.  This free tool  lets users use a photo and make a one minute recording to accompany it. 
The main drawback to it, of course, is that it’s been limited to a one minute recording.
Today, though, Fotobabble announced the ability to string together Fotobabbles in order to create a slideshow. 

 Students could take pictures, or find creative commons images that illustrate vocabulary that they are learning and record themselves saying the definition and using the word in a sentence.  Students could collect and tradeFotobabble vocabulary with other students in the class and embed them in a blog or wiki to create their own visual talking dictionary.  If you teach students younger than 13, have teachers or parent helpers build audio visual dictionaries that can be added to throughout the year.  How neat would it be to have a talking, visual word wall?!  This would be helpful for math, science, social studies, history, and regular vocabulary words that students learn.

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