Friday, September 27, 2013

Croak it is a simple-to-use online audio recording tool that can be used by even pre-school children. 

Digital Public Library of America

Browse the Digital Public Library of America

The Digital Public Library of America is a huge collection of digitized artifacts and exhibits from museums and libraries across the United States. Through the DPLA you can find documents, books, images, audio recordings, and video clips. The DPLA is a new resource and only some of the artifacts are arranged into exhibits at this point. You can look for artifacts by locationtime, or keyword search. Clicking on an artifact will open information about where it is housed and when it was created.

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Videos, quizzes, lessons and games

Virtual Science Experiments

Virtual Experiments have been recorded at Reading in physics and in other areas of science. Some examples are listed below. In the first section experiments most suitable for schools are listed, following this are experiments more suited tohigher levels. The repertoire of VEs is constantly being increased.

Youtube free music

On YouTube You Can Now Find Free Music to Legally Download and Re-use

For the last couple of years Vimeo has offered free music to download and re-use in your video projects. Now YouTube is offering the same thing through the YouTube Audio Library. This library is slightly different than the free music available when you use the YouTube slideshow creation tool. The music in the YouTube Audio Library is music that you can download to use in projects online and offline. You can search the library of music according to genre, mood, instrument, or duration. You can listen to the tracks before downloading them as MP3 files.

Applications for Education
The next time your students are developing multimedia projects for your class, have them take a look through the YouTube Audio Library to see if they can find a tune to enhance the messages of their productions.

Science Videos

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cloze Quizzes

Cloze Quizzes

The New York Times Learning Network blog is experimenting with a new type of Test Yourself question written just for English language learners. In this series, which is published each Monday, teacher and blogger Larry Ferlazzo creates a quiz question for students, along with brief teaching suggestions for those who would like to take the topic further. The Learning Network still runs the Daily Test Yourself questions (which this year will also focus on history, math, English language arts and editing), but only the Monday E.L.L. Practice series will have teaching suggestions.

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From Big Deal Media

Downloadable list of Bloom's active verbs!!  

Check it out!

Want to ensure that your lesson plans include higher level cognitive skills and rigor?